Koliko smo zahvalni za sve što imamo u životu?! Toliko je stvari koje uzimamo zdravo za gotovo a ne bi trebalo biti tako. Trebali bi zahvaliti i za najmanju sitnicu.Trebalo bi istinski osjetiti zahvalnost za sve.
Jeste li ikad zahvalili za svoje oči kojima vidite, jeste li zahvalili za ruke, za noge kojima možete hodati, trčati, neki to ne mogu. Jeste li zahvalili za roditelje, obitelj koja je uz vas, podržava vas u svemu, neki nemaju roditelje ili imaju, nažalost, ne tako dobre roditelje. Jesmo li zahvalni za prijatelje ili smo licemjerni, dvolični prema njima?! Jesmo li zahvalili svaki put za hranu koju imamo, čak ako i nemamo puno, ali mnogi nemaju ni približno toliko koliko imaš ti.
Kad smo istinski zahvalni i za najmanju sitnicu u životu automatski se bolje osjećamo, raspoloženiji smo, veseliji. Nije li to čudesno?! Zašto trošiti život na mrzovolju kad možemo biti sretni, a zahvalnost nas čini sretnima.
Duboko u srcu moramo osjetiti zahvalnost i tad ćemo osjetiti i sreću. Zahvaljujmo za određenu stvar, osobu, događaj, udubimo se u zahvaljivanje, toliko dugo dok zaista i ne osjetimo zahvalnost. Probudimo se svaki dan sa zahvalnošću na usnama.
- Hvala na današnjem danu, koji je nov i čudesan, nikada neće biti ovakvog dana, stoga valja ga lijepo proživjeti s veseljem, zahvalnošću za svaku sitnicu tijekom dana.
- Hvala za odjeću koju imam, i što mogu birati što ću obući.
- Hvala za hranu koju imam, jer mnogi nemaju ni približno toliko.
- Hvala za ovu predivnu vodu, koliko je samo ljudi bez pitke vode.
- Hvala ti za dar govora, neki bi rado pričali a ne mogu.
- Hvala ti za uši jer čujem predivne zvukove prirode, čujem ljude, muziku.
- Hvala ti za moje predivne noge koje me nose kamo poželim, možda,prema nekim standardima, to nisu najljepše noge izgledom, ali one obavljaju svoju funkciju i zato su meni najljepše, najdraže.
- Hvala za moje oči kojima vidim svu ljepotu prirode, lica meni dragih ljudi...
- Hvala ti za sve događaje u prošlosti koji su me naučili mnogočemu, učinili me boljom osobom.
- Hvala ti za život.
How grateful we are for all we have in life?! So many things we take for granted and should not be so. We should thanks for every little thing in our life. It should truly feel gratitude for all.
Have you ever thanked for your eyes because you can see, for the arms, the legs that can walk, run, some can not. Have you grateful for the parents, the family that is with you, supporting you all, some do not have parents or have, unfortunately, not so good parents. Are we thankful for friends or are hypocritical, two-faced toward them?! Have we thanked each time for the food that we have, even if you do not have a lot, but many do not have nearly as much as you have.
When we are truly grateful for the smallest things in life automatically we feel better, we are cheerful and joyful. Is not that amazing?! Why spend life in moroseness when we can be happy and grateful makes us happy.
We have to feel deep in the heart gratefulness, then we will feel the happiness. Thank for a particular thing, person, event, get into thanks, so long as you do not really feel the gratitude. Wake up every day with gratitude on your lips.
- Thanks to the present day, which is a new and wonderful, will never be a day like this, so it must be nice to live with joy, gratitude for every little thing during the day.
- Thank you for the clothes I have, and I can choose what I will wear.
- Thank you for the food we have, because many do not have nearly as much.
- Thank you for this beautiful water, just how many people are without drinking water.
- Thank you for the gift of speech, some would love to talk but they can not.
- Thank you for my ears because I can hear the beautiful sounds of nature, I hear people, music.
- Thank you for my beautiful legs that carry me wherever I want, perhaps, by some standards, it's not the most beautiful legs look, but they perform their function and therefore my best, dearest.
- Thank you for my eyes because I can see the beauty of nature, the faces of people dear to me ...
- Thank you for all events in the past who taught me many things, have made me a better person.
- Thank you for my life.
Keep On Smiling & be happy!:)
Beautiful post, so sweet!!!
OdgovoriIzbrišiDon't Call Me Fashion Blogger
Bellissimo questo post. GRAZIE :-)))
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What a beautiful post and writing! I'm thankful for everything I own and have in my life, for being who I am, and for all the life lessons I have learnt throughout my young life and for the ones I will keep learning, for every day I wake up alive and healthy and for many more things! :)
I'm so glade for you! ;)
IzbrišiGreat post!
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OdgovoriIzbrišiJel si čitala tu knjigu?
Love this post! It's really great that you don't take things for granted and are grateful for what you have :)