subota, 10. kolovoza 2013.

Refreshment in summertime

Evo jednog recepta. Kolač, lagan, osvježavajuć, baš za ove vruće ljetne dane.

Kolač sa šlagom i jogurtom
- 3 čvrsta jogurta
- 3 vrećice bijele želatine
- 1 l vrhnja za šlag
- 1 kompot od breskve, marelice ili ananasa (može i bilo koje drugo voće)  
- pettit keks

Izmiksati šlag.
U tepsiju poredati pettit kekse, malo ih pošpricati vodom, a može i mlijekom.
Zagrijati jogurt i staviti malo šećera (4 - 5 žlica na tri jogurta). Zatim zagrijati želatinu i pomiješati s jogurtom, te jogurt pomiješan sa želatinom pomiješati sa šlagom, i sve to dobro mikserom izraditi.Tom smjesom premazati kekse debljine 1,5 cm otprilike pa opet staviti red keksa i opet premazati smjesom oko 1,5 cm pa staviti komade breskve (ili nekog voća) iz kompota pa ostatak smjese premazati preko kompota. Ako ima viška smjese onda staviti opet kekse i opet preko smjesu. Staviti u hladnjak na sat vremena.
Jedostavno i fino!
Dobar tek!

Here's one recipe. Cake, light, refreshing, just for these hot summer days.

Cake with whipped cream and yoghurt

- 3 yoghurt
- 3 bags of white gelatin
- 1 l Whipped
- 1 stewed peaches, apricots or pineapple (can any other fruit)
- Pettit biscuit
Whip the cream.
In baking dish arrange Pettit biscuits, biscuits sprayed with water or milk.
Heat the yogurt and put a little sugar (4-5 tablespoons of sugar in three yogurt ). Then heat the gelatin and mix with yogurt and yogurt mixed with gelatin mixed with whipped cream, and all that good mix with mixer.Arrange biscuits side by side across the pan and With that mixture coated biscuits thickness of approximately 1.5 cm and arrange biscuits side by side across the pan, on the mixture, again.
And again coated with a mixture of about 1.5 cm and put chunks of peaches (or any fruit) from the compote and the rest of the mixture spread over the compote. If there is excess mixture then put the biscuits again and again over the mixture. Put in the fridge for an hour.
Easily and delicious!
Bon appetit!

Thank you for reading!
Keep On Smiling & be happy!:)

Broj komentara: 16:

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  2. Thanks for following me, followed back! Nice blog, keep going
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  3. Sounds delicious. :)

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  4. thank you
    I'm following u via GFC, hope u can follow back. THX XOXO

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  5. Thank you so much for the recipe - it's so unusual and would be definitely a great dessert to try within the last two weeks of summer;-))))

  6. Sounds great :) X Anna

  7. Hi, yes, I would like to follow each other. I hope sigo.I

      great post, curious recipe

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  8. must be yummy!

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  10. Great post!

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