Ako nemam vremena za šminkanje onda samo stavim maskaru i kremu na lice. Ne mogu zamislit da idem negdje a da ne stavim maskaru.
Najdraže su mi Maybelline maskare jer najbolje odrade svoj posao. Probala sam i jeftinije i skuplje ali ni jedna nije kao Maybelline maskare!
Maskara ima tradiciju dugu već 6000 godina. Egipćani su među prvima otkrili čari maskare i koristili maskaru i olovku za oči. Pravili su ih od pepela, te preko njih nanosili med kako bi bili što postojaniji. Ubrzo su i Rimljani počeli koristiti ružine latice, čađu, pepeo i antimon kako bi njihove trepavice izgledale savršeno. 900. godine Perzijanci su otvorili prve škole u kojima su učili žene kako napraviti maskaru i druge beauty proizvode. Popularnost maskare je rasla od jedne kulture do druge.
Maskara koju poznajemo danas nastala je u 19. stoljeću kada je britanski kemičar Eugene Rimmel osmislio proizvod u kojem je glavni sastojak bio vazelin. Sličnu stvar pokušao je i Amerikanac T. L. Williams koji je napravio maskaru za svoju sestru Maybel, a ubrzo je započeo i s proizvodnjom u maloj obiteljskoj tvrtki, koja je izrasla u danas vrlo poznati brend Maybelline.
U tridesetim godinama prošlog stoljeća, zbog manjka kontrole nad kozmetičkom industrijom, na tržištu su se pojavile maskare koje su dovodile do slijepila kod žena, infekcija, crvenila i svrbeža, a i imale su neugodan miris. Cijela situacija je dovela do smanjena njene popularnosti, ali maskara ubrzo nastavlja svoj napredak.
Kako je mješavina koju su radili Rimmel i Williams bila jako umrljana i nespretna za korištenje, proizvod je trebalo usavršiti. Uskoro se počela nanositi pomoću vlažne četkice,ali je sama upotreba maskare bila jako nepraktična i neuredna.
U 60-im, Maybelline je na tržište lansirao prvu maskaru koja dolazi u tubici kakvu ima i danas.
Something without I can not imagine makeup is mascara. Mascara is somehow the most important thing in every woman's makeup bag.If I do not have time for makeup , then just put mascara and cream on the face. I can not imagine going somewhere and do not put mascara.My favorite is Maybelline mascara because the best do their job. I tried cheaper and more expensive, but none were as Maybelline mascaras!
Mascara has a long tradition for 6000 years . Egyptians were among the first to discover the magic of mascara and use mascara and eyeliner . They made them out of the ashes, and through them, inflicting honey to make it more permanent . Soon the Romans started using rose petals , soot , ash and antimony to make their eyelashes look perfect. 900th The Persians have opened the first school in which they taught women how to make mascara and other beauty products . Popularity mascara grew from one culture to another .
Mascara that we know today was created in the 19th century when British chemist Eugene Rimmel invented the product in which the main ingredient was Vaseline. A similar thing was tried and American TL Williams who made the mascara for his sister Maybel , and soon began with the production of the small family business , which has now grown into a very well known brand Maybelline .In the thirties of the last century , because of the lack of control over the cosmetics industry , the market appeared mascara that led to blindness in women , infection, redness and itching , and had an unpleasant odor. The whole situation has led to a decrease of its popularity , but the mascara soon continues its progress .
How is a mix that worked Rimmel and Williams was heavily stained and awkward to use , the product has to be perfect . Soon began to be applied using a wet brush , but it is very use mascara was very inconvenient and messy .In the 60s , Maybelline has launched the first mascara that comes in tubes and he has today.
Do you have your favorite mascara?!
great post like it
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Muy buenas recomendaciones!!
Moja mama je imala maskaru kao na onoj prvoj slici, jos mi nije bilo jasno sta joj je to moglo biti.Pa mi je pojasnila da je to maskara, a sudeci po njenim fotkama iz tog perioda imala je bujne trepavice od nje.
OdgovoriIzbrišiBez maskare ne mogu zamisliti bilo koji izlazak van!!
Super post!!
thanks for the mascara review! i love finding new good ones :)
OdgovoriIzbrišixo brie
Great post! i really like it!!
great post :)
OdgovoriIzbrišiPS: I follow you, follow me back :D
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