Stručni, izuzetno intenzivni program za svakodnevni tretman noktiju pruža učinkovito jačanje i maksimalni rast noktiju. Formula obogaćena proteinima svile, koji će precizno ojačati i učvrstiti nokte. Regenerator stvoren za slabe, tanke i lomljive nokte, nokte čini dugima i lijepima u roku od 10 dana liječenja.
Primjena: svaki dan pet dana nanijeti jedan sloj uzorka, a zatim skinuti s odstranjivačem laka i ponoviti tretman. Tretman koristiti redovito za dugotrajan učinak.
Beautiful, Healthy and Long Nails!
Of all the treatments for nails none helped my nails, except Eveline treatment - Nail Growth Quickener! I love Eveline! This really strengthened my brittle nails prone to splitting. But I somehow forgot to use this treatment for a while, so my nails are again brittle. I will definitely buy again this Eveline treatment, when I run out of this one I have.
extremely intensive program for everyday nails treatment providing effective
strengthening and maximum nails growth. Formula enriched with silk proteins
that precisely strengthen and tighten nails. Conditioner created for weak, thin
and brittle nails, makes nails long and beautiful within 10 days of treatment.
Application: every day for five days apply one coat of the
specimen, then remove applied coats and start the activity again. Apply the
treatment regularly to obtain dream and long lasting effect.
Thank you for reading!
Keep On Smiling & be happy!:)
imala i strašno su me boljeli nokti, prsti što već :(((
OdgovoriIzbrišičula sam da su neki imali s tim problema, ali evo ja nisam, ali ja sam pazila da si ne namažem kožu već isključivo nokat.
IzbrišiLove taking care of nails!