srijeda, 28. kolovoza 2013.

Eveline - nail polish

I want to share with you the enthusiasm with Evelin nail polish! I just love these nail polishes. If you have not  tried it yet, I recommend it definitely. Nail polishes come in a pack of 5 ml., 10 ml., and 12 ml. They are not expensive. Two coats of nail polish are enough for nice cover. Well some are enough just put on once on the nails.

  • They have a large selection of colors
  • Long lasting nail polishes, they last four days on the nails
  • They are not expensive at all (5 ml. 1,32 € (10 kn), 12 ml. 2,25 € (17 kn))
  • Quick dry
  • Very good quality

And I have only four of these nail polishes?! I can not believe! :)


 Number: 803, 681
Number: 603, 372

 I already wrote about these two nail polish, you can read it here Eveline - nail.

Thank you for reading!
Keep On Smiling & be happy!:)

subota, 10. kolovoza 2013.

Refreshment in summertime

Evo jednog recepta. Kolač, lagan, osvježavajuć, baš za ove vruće ljetne dane.

Kolač sa šlagom i jogurtom
- 3 čvrsta jogurta
- 3 vrećice bijele želatine
- 1 l vrhnja za šlag
- 1 kompot od breskve, marelice ili ananasa (može i bilo koje drugo voće)  
- pettit keks

Izmiksati šlag.
U tepsiju poredati pettit kekse, malo ih pošpricati vodom, a može i mlijekom.
Zagrijati jogurt i staviti malo šećera (4 - 5 žlica na tri jogurta). Zatim zagrijati želatinu i pomiješati s jogurtom, te jogurt pomiješan sa želatinom pomiješati sa šlagom, i sve to dobro mikserom izraditi.Tom smjesom premazati kekse debljine 1,5 cm otprilike pa opet staviti red keksa i opet premazati smjesom oko 1,5 cm pa staviti komade breskve (ili nekog voća) iz kompota pa ostatak smjese premazati preko kompota. Ako ima viška smjese onda staviti opet kekse i opet preko smjesu. Staviti u hladnjak na sat vremena.
Jedostavno i fino!
Dobar tek!

Here's one recipe. Cake, light, refreshing, just for these hot summer days.

Cake with whipped cream and yoghurt

- 3 yoghurt
- 3 bags of white gelatin
- 1 l Whipped
- 1 stewed peaches, apricots or pineapple (can any other fruit)
- Pettit biscuit
Whip the cream.
In baking dish arrange Pettit biscuits, biscuits sprayed with water or milk.
Heat the yogurt and put a little sugar (4-5 tablespoons of sugar in three yogurt ). Then heat the gelatin and mix with yogurt and yogurt mixed with gelatin mixed with whipped cream, and all that good mix with mixer.Arrange biscuits side by side across the pan and With that mixture coated biscuits thickness of approximately 1.5 cm and arrange biscuits side by side across the pan, on the mixture, again.
And again coated with a mixture of about 1.5 cm and put chunks of peaches (or any fruit) from the compote and the rest of the mixture spread over the compote. If there is excess mixture then put the biscuits again and again over the mixture. Put in the fridge for an hour.
Easily and delicious!
Bon appetit!

Thank you for reading!
Keep On Smiling & be happy!:)


I love  this color combination, and outfits like these. Relaxed, easy and convenient.
I wore:
T-shirt: H&M
Cardigan: Terranova
Pants: Terranova
Wedges: Stradivarius
Sunglasses: H&M

Thank you for reading!

Keep On Smiling & be happy!:)

petak, 9. kolovoza 2013.

Being Grateful

Koliko smo zahvalni za sve što imamo u životu?! Toliko je stvari koje uzimamo zdravo za gotovo a ne bi trebalo biti tako. Trebali bi zahvaliti i za najmanju sitnicu.Trebalo bi istinski osjetiti zahvalnost za sve. 
Jeste li ikad zahvalili za svoje oči kojima vidite, jeste li zahvalili za ruke, za noge kojima možete hodati, trčati, neki to ne mogu. Jeste li zahvalili za roditelje, obitelj koja je uz vas, podržava vas u svemu, neki nemaju roditelje ili imaju, nažalost, ne tako dobre roditelje. Jesmo li zahvalni za prijatelje ili smo licemjerni, dvolični prema njima?! Jesmo li zahvalili svaki put za hranu koju imamo, čak ako i nemamo puno, ali mnogi nemaju ni približno toliko koliko imaš ti.
Kad smo istinski zahvalni i za najmanju sitnicu u životu automatski se bolje osjećamo, raspoloženiji smo, veseliji. Nije li to čudesno?! Zašto trošiti život na mrzovolju kad možemo biti sretni, a zahvalnost nas čini sretnima.
Duboko u srcu moramo osjetiti zahvalnost i tad ćemo osjetiti i sreću. Zahvaljujmo za određenu stvar, osobu, događaj, udubimo se u zahvaljivanje, toliko dugo  dok zaista i ne osjetimo zahvalnost. Probudimo se svaki dan sa zahvalnošću na usnama.

  • Hvala na današnjem danu, koji je nov i čudesan, nikada neće biti ovakvog dana, stoga valja ga lijepo proživjeti s veseljem, zahvalnošću za svaku sitnicu tijekom dana.
  • Hvala za odjeću koju imam, i što mogu birati što ću obući.
  • Hvala za hranu koju imam, jer mnogi nemaju ni približno toliko.
  • Hvala za ovu predivnu vodu, koliko je samo ljudi bez pitke vode.
  • Hvala ti za dar govora, neki bi rado pričali a ne mogu.
  • Hvala ti za uši jer čujem predivne zvukove prirode, čujem ljude, muziku.
  • Hvala ti za moje predivne noge koje me nose kamo poželim, možda,prema nekim standardima, to nisu najljepše noge izgledom, ali one obavljaju svoju funkciju i zato su meni najljepše, najdraže.
  • Hvala za moje oči kojima vidim svu ljepotu prirode, lica meni dragih ljudi...
  • Hvala ti za sve događaje u prošlosti koji su me naučili mnogočemu, učinili  me boljom osobom.
  • Hvala ti za život.

How grateful we are for all we have in life?! So many things we take for granted and should not be so. We should thanks for every little thing in our life. It should  truly feel gratitude for all.
Have you ever thanked for your  eyes because you can see,  for the arms, the legs that can walk, run, some can not. Have you grateful for  the parents, the family that is with you, supporting you all, some do not have parents or have, unfortunately, not so good parents. Are we thankful for friends or are hypocritical, two-faced toward them?! Have we thanked each time for the food that we have, even if you do not have a lot, but many do not have nearly as much as you have.
When we are truly grateful for the smallest things in life automatically we feel better, we are cheerful and joyful. Is not that amazing?! Why spend life in moroseness when we can be happy and grateful makes us happy.
We have to feel deep in the heart gratefulness, then we will feel the happiness. Thank for a particular thing, person, event, get into thanks, so long as you do not really feel the gratitude. Wake up every day with gratitude on your lips.

  • Thanks to the present day, which is a new and wonderful, will never be a day like this, so it must be nice to live with joy, gratitude for every little thing during the day.
  • Thank you for the clothes I have, and I can choose what I will wear.
  • Thank you for the food we have, because many do not have nearly as much.
  • Thank you for this beautiful water, just how many people are without drinking water.
  • Thank you for the gift of speech, some would love to talk but they can not.
  • Thank you for my ears because I can hear the beautiful sounds of nature, I hear people, music.
  • Thank you for my beautiful legs that carry me wherever I want, perhaps, by some standards, it's not the most beautiful legs look, but they perform their function and therefore my best, dearest.
  • Thank you for my eyes because I can see the beauty of nature, the faces of people dear to me ...
  • Thank you for all events in the past who taught me many things, have made me a better person.
  • Thank you for my life.

 Thank you for reading!

Keep On Smiling & be happy!:)

nedjelja, 4. kolovoza 2013.

Self - confidence

Samopouzdanje je za svakoga. To je pravo koje smo stekli rođenjem! Nikad sebe ne možemo dovoljno voljeti. Svatko od nas je vrijedan ljubavi i uvažavanja.
Nitko nije uvijek sto posto siguran u sebe, uvijek postoji tračak nesigurnosti, što se tiče poslovnih pothvata, učenja, i sl. Ali možemo vježbati da bi bili što sigurniji u sebe, da bi imali što više samopouzdanja. Nesigurnosti leže u nama. Ništa nas ne može učiniti nesigurnima.Sigurnost leži u nama, možemo sami sebe učiniti sigurnima.
Želim s vama podijeliti jednu činjenicu, zapamtite da ako se ljudi prema vama negativno ponašaju, to nije zato što vas ne vole, nego je to zato što NE VOLE SAMI SEBE. Osobe koje stalno napadaju i ogovaraju druge to čine jer su vrlo nesigurne u sebe, pune negativnih emocija prema sebi. Drugo, njihove frustracije i negativni osjećaji nisu vaš problem. Potrebno je veliko povjerenje u sebe da bi ljudi ispitali svoju nutrinu i odredili što je to što žele raditi, a kad  ljudi nemaju samopouzdanja,koriste druge dostupne standarde - usporedbe s drugima.
Nedostatak samopouzdanja korijen može imati iz djetinjstva, nedostatak ljubavi u djetinjstvu, stvaranje osjećaja manje vrijednosti i sl. Ali ta kriva uvjerenja koja su neki naučili se mogu promijeniti. Zato treba promijeniti svoje razmišljanje, ako stalno vrtimo u mislima negativne slike, automatski se negativno osjećamo i to djeluje na naš svakodnevni život. Svjesno odlučimo pozitivnije razmišljati i uskoro ćemo vidjeti rezultate toga.
Jedna vrlo djelotvorna metoda u stvaranju ili jačanju samopouzdanja je stajanje ispred ogledala i ponavljanja (svakodnevno ponavljanje)  raznih fraza koje svatko sam može smisliti. Ovisi kakav problem tko ima.
  • Suprotstavljam se samome sebi. Velik sam. U meni je mnogo toga.
  • Nitko ne može biti ja kao što ja to mogu. Za taj sam posao najbolji odabir.
  • Mi smo ono što vjerujemo da jesmo.
  • Jedinstven sam.
  • Kako njegujem vlastitu prirodu, sve drugo slijedi.
  • Zaslužujem vrijeme koje ću isključivo posvetiti svojim vlastitim potrebama.
  • Ja vjerujem u sebe. Ja to mogu.
  • Vesela sam i vedra osoba.
  • Društvena sam osoba.

 Možemo to reći ovako: Ja (ime i prezime) volim i cijenim sebe. Poslije svog imena i prezimena dodajte što god vam pada na pamet.



Confidence is for everyone. It is right that we have acquired at birth! Never we can not love ourselves enough. Each of us is worthy of love and respect.

No one is ever one hundred percent sure of himself, there is always a glimmer of uncertainty, as far as business ventures, learning, etc. But we can work out to be more sure of ourselves, to have more confidence. Incertitude lie within us. Nothing  can do us insecure.  Certainty lies within us, we can make ourselves secure.
I want to share with you one fact, remember that if people behave negatively towards you, it's not because they do not like you, but this is because they do not love themselves. People who constantly attack and defame others do it because they are very insecure, full of negative emotions towards themselves. Second, their frustration and negative feelings are not your problem. It takes a lot of trust in ourself that people examine their inner self and determine what it is that they want to do, and when people do not have confidence, using other available standards - compared to others.
Lack of confidence root can have in childhood, a lack of love in childhood, creating a sense of inferiority, etc. But this false belief that some learned may change. Therefore, you should change your thinking, if you constantly having in your  mind   negative thoughts, automatic you have  negative feeling and it affects your daily lives. If we consciously choose to think positively and we will soon see the results.
One very effective method of creating or strengthening confidence is standing in front of the mirror and repeat (daily repetition) various phrases that everyone can think of.
For example:
  • No one can be myself like I can do it. For that work I am  best choice
  • We are what we believe we are.
  • I am unique.
  • How I take care of my  own nature, everything else follows.
  • I believe in myself. I can do it.
  • I am a cheerful and jovial person.
  • I am a social person.
 We can say this: I (name)  love and appreciate myself. After your first and last names add whatever you can think of.

 Thank you for reading!

Keep On Smiling & be happy!:)