srijeda, 17. srpnja 2013.

Defeat the world!

Pobijedite svijet!
Svijet se ne odnosi na materijalnu pojavnost poput grana, kamenja, stabala, jezera, itd. Svijet je kolektivni um sa svojom zbrkanošću, mržnjom, zavišću, sukobima, snovim, nadanjima, dobrim i zlom, ratovima, nemirima. Drugim riječima, to su razmišljanja, djelovanja i reakcije četiri milijarde ljudi. Svi smo mi uronjeni u kolektivni um.
Besmisleno je uznemiravati se, uzrujavati i patiti zbog svjetskih sukoba. Što vi mislite o sebi? Što mislite o svijetu? O događajima u svijetu? Ljute li vas ta događanja? Ako je tako u svojem ste umu ustoličili lošeg vladara. Ne dopusti svijetu da te uzme, da izgubiš sebe. Sve je u tebi, sve si ti.
Svijet (društvo - society) nameće iskrivljenu sliku o svemu, o tebi kao čovjeku, nameće krive vrijednosti u životu kao ispravne.
Čovjek živi isključivo u stanju svojega uma. On ne živi tamo gdje je njegovo tijelo. Ljudi, zapravo, žive u stanju svjesnosti, koje je ukupan zbroj svih vaših misli, osjećaja i vjerovanja.
Kako se izdignuti iz kolektivnog uma?!
Mijenjanjem svojih misli i održavanjem misli promijenjenima. Možemo se izdignuti putem duhovnog, konstruktivnog i skladnog razmišljanja.
Ne povodite se za drugima i za svime što vam nameće ovaj svijet, budite svoji, usvojite pobjednički stav i uvjereno potvrdite: "Bog u meni me vodi, zasipa blagoslovima i pruža mi snagu i moć za pobjedu."
Isijavajte ljubav i dobrotu prema svima. Razmišljajte o smirenosti, skladu, ljubavi i dobroti. Redoviti razmišljanjem o tome izdići ćete se iznad previranja ovog svijeta i iskusiti zadovoljstvo, ispunjenje i postignuće.

The world does not apply to material appearance such as branches, rocks, trees, lakes, etc. The world is collective mind with his all confusion, hatred, envy, conflicts, dreams, hopes, good and evil, wars, riots. In other words, these are the thoughts, actions and reactions of four billion people. We are all immersed in the collective mind.
It is pointless to harass, upset, and suffer the world's conflicts. What do you think about yourself? What do you think about the world? About events in the world? Are you angry with these events? If so in my mind you would have installed a bad ruler. Do not allow the world to take you to lose yourself. It's all in you, it's all you.
World (society) imposes a distorted picture of everything about you as a person, imposing false values ​​in life as correct.
Man lives exclusively in the state of his mind. He does not live where is his body. People actually live in a state of consciousness, which is the sum total of all your thoughts, feelings and beliefs.
How to be raised from the collective mind?!
By changing your thoughts and keeping thoughts changed. We can rise through spiritual, constructive and harmonious thinking.
Do not listen to others, and for everything what  impose you this world, be yourself, adopt a winning attitude and confidently confirm: "God is in me, guide me, backfill blessings and gives me the strength and power to win."
Radiate  love and kindness toward all. Think of calmness, harmony, love and kindness. Regular thinking about how you rise above the turmoil of this world and experience the satisfaction, fulfillment and achievement.

write to me..what do you think?!

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  6. You are saying the right things in here, though in real life it's really hard to follow those rules sometimes. We simply can't live in this world without caring about society, people around us, the whole world in general. It influences on us no matter if we want it or not. Thank You for sharing such a nice post!
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