Thinking that someone is happy and you are jealous, envious?! Well do not be, it only harm you. Or simply do other people's lives, touching on someone's privacy in any way, gossiping, etc. From that your life willnot be better. Let go others to live their lives and you live yours.
Just as you want people to think about you, you should think about them, as you want people to feel about you, you feel about them, the way you want people to treat you, you treat them.
The happiest man is who constantly thinks about his best features and makes an effort to be materialized, bring to light the day.
Think about yourself, about how you can be better, what do you need to do to be successful, and eventually your life will become more beautiful. The key to happiness lies within man. Believe in yourself and you will achieve happiness and success.
If every morning repeat this prayer or mantra, whatever you want to call it, the whole day would be immediately more attractive;
"Today I'm opting for happiness, today I'm opting for success, today I'm opting for the correct procedures, today I'm opting for love and good will, today I'm opting for tranquility."
Razmišljate li kako je netko sretan i ljubomorni ste, zavidni?! E pa nemojte biti, to šteti samo vama. Ili se jednostavno bavite tuđim životima, zadirete u nečiju privatnost na bilo koji način, ogovaranjem, itd. Od toga vam neće biti život bolji.Pustite druge da žive svoj život, a vi živite svoj.
Onako kao želite da ljudi o vama misle, mislite i vi o njima, onako kako želite da ljudi osjećaju o vama, osjećajte i vi o njima, onako kako želite da ljudi postupaju prema vama, postupajte i vi prema njima.
Najsretniji je čovjek koji neprestano razmišlja o svojim najboljim osobinama i trudi se da ih materijalizira, iznese na svjetlost dana.
Razmišljajte o sebi, o tome kako možete biti što bolji, o tome što trebate činiti da budete uspješniji, i s vremenom život će vam postati ljepši. Ključ sreće leži unutar čovjeka. Vjerujte u sebe i ostvarit ćete sreću i uspjeh.
Kad bi svakog jutra ponovili ovu molitvu, ili mantru, kako god to želite zvati, cijeli dan bi bio odmah ljepši;
" Danas se opredjeljujem za sreću, danas se opredjeljujem za uspjeh, danas se opredjeljujem za ispravne postupke, danas se opredjeljujem za ljubav i dobru volju, danas se opredjeljujem za spokojnost."
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